You must consider several best practices for your heat pump to function properly and efficiently. These practices include:
Let the heat pump run at a constant temperature
If you are like other homeowners, you lower your furnace settings when you leave the house or at night when you go to bed, right? You don’t need to do this with your heat pump. According to heat pump repair professionals, the heat pump works best when you always keep your thermostat at a constant temperature.
Even at night when you are sleeping or during the day when you are out for work, let it run at a constant temperature.
During the ultra-cold months of the year, you might be tempted to shut it off as it’s not working as well as expected, but don’t do this. Don’t shut it off if the unit isn’t producing as much heat as you want. Instead, you should turn up the temperature on your thermostat and set the airflow at its highest setting.
The heat pump draws the warm air from the outside, so when it gets cold, it might not attract as much warm air as you might want it to. Some people with furnaces and boilers switch to them and treat their heat pumps as secondary energy sources. Don’t do this.
You should always have the heat pump as the primary heating source, even if you have a furnace or other heating appliance. To ensure that the heat pump produces the most heat, turn the thermostat settings of the other units down.
Stay away from the “Auto” mode.
The auto mode is meant to give you peace of mind as it makes the heating unit work by itself to maintain a comfortable environment. When you choose the “auto” mode, the heat pump alternates between the cool and heat modes.
As much as this might save you time and get rid of stress, you run the risk of accidentally air conditioning your house on a mid-winter day instead of heating it.
There is also the risk of heating the house in summer when you should be cooling it.
To avoid all this confusion, don’t use the Auto mode. Instead, manually set your desired temperature and let the appliance run.
Keep the heat pump clean.
There is no way your heat pump will function optimally when dirty, so you should strive to keep it as clean as possible.
Start with the filters. These need regular vacuuming or rinsing whenever the indicator light comes or you notice them dirty. Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, you can clean or replace the filters.
You also should show some attention to the outdoor units. You must clear any obstructions such as snow, ice, debris, leaves, and even water runoff from the roof.
To minimize the frequency at which you do the cleaning, consider investing in a snow or rain shelter. Also, consider trimming the plants or bushes in contact with the unit.
When building the shelter, take care not to build it too close to the unit to prevent airflow. You should note that when you cover the appliance, you put it at risk of several issues, such as pest infestation, mold growth, and others.
Routinely maintain your appliance.
For peace of mind that your unit is functioning optimally, inspect it at least once a season. During the inspection, ensure that there are no obvious signs of damage, such as ice buildup, mold, or water dripping from your unit.
You can inspect by yourself, but let an experienced heat pump repair service, Long Beach, do it for optimal care. Besides the professional using specialized tools that aid in telling the actual health status of the unit, hiring the professional to service or even repair the unit also ensures that your appliance stays within the warranty.