How Often Does A Furnace Need To Be Checked?

As a homeowner, you know that you need to take good care of your furnace, and one of the ways to do this is to inspect it to ensure that it’s always in top working condition. Are you wondering how often you should have your furnace checked?

Well, the ideal time is to do it at least once a year. If you live in a cold area and use your unit more often, consider inspecting it twice a year. You can inspect the minor issues by yourself but for the best outcome, let the inspection be done by an experienced furnace service provider that knows what they are doing:

What are the benefits of inspecting your furnace?

There are plenty of perks that come with regularly inspecting your furnace. These perks include:

You have increased efficiency: When you inspect your unit, you pick even the most minor issues before they become problems which, as you can guess, significantly contributes to a highly efficient appliance.

Your appliance lasts for a long time: Like a well-maintained car, a properly maintained furnace lasts for a long time. This is because you fix even the most minor problems before they become a problem.

Peace of mind: The way you have peace of mind that your properly maintained car will get you to your desired destination is the same way you have peace of mind that your properly maintained furnace will get you through the cold season.

Your furnace heats better: Besides running more efficiently, which sees you save money you would have spent on your energy bill, a properly maintained furnace also performs much better. For example, a properly maintained furnace runs without spotty heating or other problems.

You maintain the warranty: For you to maintain your warranty, furnace companies require that you regularly inspect and fix the unit, so by having the unit regularly inspected by a certified professional, you maintain the warranty.

What should you look out for when inspecting the furnace?

Look at all parts of the unit for the best outcome and peace of mind that your furnace is in top shape. These include:

Electric controls: You must ensure that the current and voltage flow safely between you, the thermostat, and the contractors. Carefully go through these connections and ensure they are in perfect shape and they aren’t causing any power disruption that can be catastrophic.

Check the burner: If using a gas furnace, turn off the gas supply and ensure that the gas is flowing properly. While at it, check the outdoor valve and ensure it’s turning properly and doing what it’s supposed to.

Examine the heat exchanger: The heat exchanger is a tube-shaped metal structure inside the furnace that contains water and air, which comes in handy during the heating process. Sometimes, they get warped due to age, leading to reduced heating efficiency. There is also an increased risk of carbon monoxide leaking from the cracks that often develop.

You should inspect the heat exchanger and ensure that there are no leaks. If present, consult a professional on how to fix them.

Test the ignition system: If you have a new furnace, you most likely have an electric lighter that doesn’t require a constant pilot light and flame.

The most common type of electric system is the hot surface igniter, where the filament causes the natural gas to ignite when electricity passes through it, and it’s usually located at the base near the faucet.

You should check it and test whether it’s working properly. If not, let an expert look at it.

Check the gas pressure: You will need to ensure that the fuel pressure in your home is high enough for it to run properly. When the pressure is too high or too low, it can damage and reduce the efficiency, so when you notice a discrepancy, let an experienced furnace repair service Long Island provider look into it.

A great way to check the pressure is alright is to turn off all the other appliances using natural gas, then check the readings on the gauge at your meter box using a gas detector pen.

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